
chapter two; lunch date.

*Patrick's POV*
Wednesday May 26. Two days after the party. I had practice today but I knew it was going to be rough, being two days after the party and completely unfocussed on everything. As soon as I got out of bed, I went straight to the bathroom. Standing, looking back at myself in the mirror, eyes still bloodshot. Coach was not going to be happy. I quickly jumped in the shower, I stood their for about ten minutes taking in the hot water. It was still cold out in the middle of May which wasn't anything un-normal in Chicago. I through on my Blackhawks hoodie with some blue jeans and flip flops. Yes I was wearing flip flops, but I was also to lazy to pull something out of the back of my closet, they were the first thing I saw. As I was leaving, I saw Stephanie's purse on the table in my front hall. She's all I have been thinking about, which was good cause I've never felt this way before, but also bad since it was playoffs, I didn't have time for things like this, I needed to focus, not just for me but for the team.
I got to the arena, not many of the guys had arrived yet so I assumed I was early. Wrong I was late. Appearently I was totally oblivious to the cars in the parking lot and not even able to notice the change room. I was never late. I put on my gear and went out to the ice. Everyone stopped and stared, I felt like I had just murdered someone and was front and center in court, all eyes on me.
"Kane. Care to explain why you are late?" Coach Quenville yelled.
"No Coach, I wish I could. I thought I was early, but appearently not."
"Pull it together Kane, we don't have the time or paitentence for this. You need to focus, this is the playoffs."
"I know coach, it won't happen again. I promise, sorry everyone."
After practice, Jon and I went out for lunch. Every time we had practice on Wednesday's we went to McDonald's and I wouldn't really call it a good habit.
"Dude, what's up with you today?" Jon asked with a mouth full of fries.
"What do you mean?"
"Your bloodshot eyes. Being late for practice? That isn't you man."
"Well that party really did me in. But... I think it's a girl.."
"A girl, coach won't be happy."
"Please don't tell him."
"I won't, your in enough trouble as it is" Jon laughed. "But go on, I want to hear about this new chick."
"I don't know, we met at the party... We have a lot in common" I took a bite of my burger. "I mean, I've never felt this way before. I usually just have some fun, but man, she's different. I don't even know how to explain, she's all I've been thinking about since that night."
"Has anything happened between you guys?"
"Not yet. She spent the night at my house after the party..."
"Nice dude!"
"No no, it wasn't like that. We didn't hook up, like I said she's different. I'm taking her out to lunch tomorrow."
"This girl? What's her name?"
"Stephanie. Stephanie Pratt."
"From the hills?!" Jon got all excited, I didn't know he watched the Hills, wait till the guys hear this one!
"No, not from the Hills. I don't even know what the Hills is..?"
"Oh, ok nevermind then."
After lunch, I went home and showered... again, I guess it was kind of pointless to shower that morning but I haven't really realized what I have been doing. I needed to get myself together, if stuff went further with Steph, Coach couldn't find out about it, he was really strick with relationships, though he couldn't stop us, it was more just for playoff season.
Thursday morning finally arrived. I was up early, which wasn't usual to happen on an off day but I was so excited just to see Stephanie's face again. My eyes weren't bloodshot anymore so I wouldn't look like a stoner, thank god. I finished getting ready and it was only 10:30am. I still had an hour, I tried to watch t.v, that didn't work, then I ended up pacing back and forth staring at my phone. I wanted to call her but I didn't know if that was to weird and clingy. After five muntes I decided to text her -"Good morning :)"- She responded right away, that was good. 11:30am finally came around, before I ran out the door I grabbed Steph's purse, almost forgetting to bring it.
I picked up Steph, handed her, her bag whiched she thanked me for, and took her to a little fancy cafe downtown. We talked for hours, phones off, ignoring everything around us. We were focussed on each other. When ever we were together it seemed like nothing else mattered. "God she is beautiful" I thought to myself. Her hair was down, it had a little wave to it and she had the cutest outfit on, ripped pants, sequin shirt and those cute Gucci shoes she wore to the party. I've never noticed a lot about the girls I had met, I never noticed what they wore, or remembered what they wore for that fact. I could tell that there was something special between her and I. The only problem was, could it work out between us? With such similar personaltites, I don't think either of us had ever been in a comitted relationship. But I wanted to be with her, it felt as though she wanted to be with me to but I wasn't sure yet, so we would just take things slow, plus I was flying to Vancouver on Sunday for the second round of the playoffs so I wouldn't see her for two - three days. Maybe something would happen when I get back?
"Do you want to go to a game? I have three tickets for Saturday's game." I asked her.
"That would be great, plus Ally would love to go since she is leaving Sunday morning."
"Where is she going?"
"She is going home to visit Vancouver for a week. She may go to a game there."
"Oh, well that will be nice." I smiled.
Steph smiled back. "Well this lunch was really nice, I enjoyed it."
"So did I, maybe we could do it again sometime?"
"I'd like that"
I drove Steph home, that was the best lunch ever. Too bad I can't even remember what I had.
"Thanks for lunch, Pat. See you saturday?"
"Your welcome, thanks for coming. And yes, uhm.. come to the game early? Maybe we can hang out for a bit?"
"Won't your coach get mad?"
"Well, yeah, but he can deal with it"
"I don't want to get you in trouble"
"You won't, trust me. Coach is cool"
"Okay, well I'll see you saturday then!"
"See you then,"
Before I drove off, I watched her walk away. I couldn't wait for Saturday, to see her again, but this time hopefully I will be more focussed on my game.


chapter one; meet me on the dance floor.

Stephanie had been living in Chicago, IL with her best friends Ally and Gina for over a year now. She was the wild one of the group, while Gina focussed on her school and Ally, well she was involved with everything around the city, from volunteering at the local school events to putting together big time parties for the big time people. Their friend Christina had got accepted to Washington's School of Medicine University, none of us wanted her to leave Chicago but we all understood, plus she visited a lot! Gabriella and Kasie were still stuck in Toronto, Kasie was attending U of T to become a vet, while Gabriella was travelling around the world building on her photography skills. None of the girls had, had that much drama in their lives before but that was all about to change...
May 24th, the annual May 2-4 party. This could possibly be one of Stephanie's favourite parties to attend, but this time things would change in a good way for her. Steph had very good luck with guys, being tall, blonde and tanned 24/7, just she could never keep one around. It wasn't just the guys she goes for either, Stephanie like to "play the field" she was adventurous and she has always said "I'm young and I'm going to make the best of it". What she didn't know is once she stepped through the doors at the party, everything that she lived for would change.
*Stephanie's POV*
I slipped on my black Gucci stilettos, they were my favourite pair of shoes. I pulled my hair to the side and tied it, I didn't want it to be all over the place when I am dancing, the last thing I needed was bed head before I even got to sleep. I walked downstairs and met the faces of two of my best friends/roomates, Gina and Ally. I think they were in a little shock with what I was wearing, yet again, but I had gotten used to that by now.
"What?" I asked.
"Whered your clothes go?" Ally asked in shock.
"Here we go again, " I laughed. "Obvioulsy I have clothes on, just the back is really low cut, I didn't think it was that big of deal."
"It's not, you look pretty. Just be quiet this time when you bring someone home" Gina stepped in laughing.
"I am really that noisy?"
"Yes!" They both replied.
I titled my head toward the floor, then looked up again and laughed. "I'm only young once!"
"Just be safe Mrs. Party Girl" Gina said, "Call if you need a ride"
"Yes mother," I laughed "I will call for sure!"
By the time I finished my make-up it was 8:00pm, perfect time to head out, the party started at 7 so I wasn't too late but I wasn't to early. This party was at the Trump Towers, it had never been held here before but that wasn't the point, the point was I was going to have one hell of a night and probably not remember it in the morning.
When I got to the party their were a lot more people the I had expected. This was the biggest May 2-4 party I had been to, why the hell didn't my friends want to come? It was insane! I found somewhere to put my purse then I went and looked around for the beer. As I stepped into the kitchen the first thing I seen was the beer cooler, opened and calling my name. I reached into grab a Coors, but someone wanted the same one.
"Oh I'm sorry, " A comforting voice said.
I looked up to see Patrick Kane standing infront of me. Gina and Ally had always talked about the Chicago Blackhawks, I was a big hockey fan but I didn't really pay attention because my parties took up a lot of my time.
"Um no, it's okay I can grab another one" I replied, still staring at his beautiful face. I let him have that beer and grabbed another one for myself.
"I'm Pat,"
"I'm Stephanie"
After we introduced ourselves, we moved out to the living room, drinking beer after beer getting carried into a conversation about everything and anything, we weren't even ecnologing the people at the party, being to caught up in each other. Patrick resembled the male type of me, and he was blonde. He was like an angel, I had never actually felt this way when I had met a guy, it was different... it felt, contagious. We talked their way in to the night and past 1am. People started to leave and it was almost time to go.
"Do you have a ride home?" Patrick asked.
"Well, I have to call my friends, they are suppose to pick me up."
"Do you want to just come crash at my place? I live one floor up." He offered.
"Well they might get worried, but I can just text them. Whose condo is this anyways?"
"You mean you came to party and you don't know who threw it?" He laughed. "Sounds like me all the time... It's my friend Duncan Keith's he's always got the annual May 2-4 party here."
"Well I approve of him and his parites, he knows how to throw 'em."
"We better get out of here before Duncs gets angry, I think we are like the only two left.." Pat answered.
He grabbed my hand and we walked out of Keith's condo and took the elevator up to his. We talked for a few more hours and had a few more beers before crashing, I texted Ally and Gina .. "No need for a ride home, crashing at P.Kane's for the night, see you ladies tomorrow morning... or afternoon! <3 :)" He took me to his bedroom, the bed felt like heaven but this was one of rare times that I didn't hook up, this time it was different, what was this? This guy, was he changing me? Could I actually like him? He was different, yes he was exactly like me with the partying and "playing the field" type of thing, but maybe that's what I needed, maybe we needed each other.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs, it was something new since Ally, Gina and I pretty much lived for toast and KD. I walked out to the kitchen, realizing I was wearing his shirt. I liked the smell, Abercrombie Men's it was amazing, the shirt was a grey/white button down and when to my knees and was incrediably comfortable. When I saw Pat in the kitchen I immediately thought to myself -Wow, he even cooks... this is like a dream, no one pinch me-. Thank God though that I knew it was reality.
"I hope you like bacon and eggs" He said, handing me a plate.
"My favourite, I haven't had this in so long!"
"I hear it's best for hangovers" He smirked. God he was beautiful. To be truthful, I had never seen someone so... I can't even describe!
"You sure know all the tricks in the book, don't you?" I teased.
"That would be correct, gotta keep myself in good shape for hockey ya know!"
After breakfast I got a text from Ally, "Dude! Where are you, I got your text last night, deets asap! Get your ass home girlie!"
"Whose that?" Pat asked, watching me answer my text.
"My friend Ally, her and Gina are wondering where I am. I better get going"
"Do you want a drive?"
"I can call one of them it's fine."
"I don't mind, I could use some fresh are myself.."
"Okay, sounds good. I just go change"
I changed into the outfit that I had on from the night before, that was one reason why I usually brought "him" (whoever I met at the party) home, so I wouldn't have this issue... But this time I didn't mind. Patrick was waiting by the door, he leaned up againest the wall waiting, while I walked out. He drove me home, but just before I got out we exchanged numbers..
"I call you sometime" He smiled.
"Okay, I'd like that" I got out of the car and walked up to the condo where Ally and Gina were waiting at the kitchen table.
"Take a seat" Ally said.
"Is this some kind of intervention?" I asked.
"We can make it one" Gina laughed.
I took a seat at the table, both their eyes glaring at me.
"Spill it!"
"Spill what?" I laughed.
"You know what! Cmon Steph, !" Ally pleaded, she really hated waiting for answers.
"Nothing happened, we met at the party, talked the whole time, he asked me to come to his place, I figured it was easier just to crash there... no we didn't hook up, but I did somehow wake up in his shirt.. obviously I don't remember, he made me breakfast, took my number then drove me home"
Their mouths were wide opened, jaws dropped.
"Well I'm not gunna lie about that!"
"That's unusual that you wouldn't hook up.. was he bad?" Gina asked.
"Thanks Gina" I smiled, "No we didn't hook up, it was different. We are like the same person with the parties and stuff, but this time I just felt like... I don't even know. He seems special."
"Awwww, our little sister is falling for someone!" Ally said, pinching my cheeks.
My cheeks went all red, probably both from blushing and Ally pinching them. She couldn't be right though, I didn't "fall" for guys plus we only met last night and he probably wouldn't even call... Or maybe she was right?
I walked up to my room to shower and change, as soon as I got out my phone rang. It was Patrick.
"Hey, it's Pat."
"Oh hi!" I smiled. Ally was right, she always was but I didn't want to admit it.
"You left your purse at my condo.."
"Oh my, thank you for calling me. I can drive by sometime later to pick it up, there's nothing important in it anyways."
"You could... or we could meet up for lunch Thursday if you would like?"
"That would be nice,"
"I will pick you up? Around 11:30?"
"Sounds good to me, I'll see you then."
Meeting him last night, now in two days he wants to go for lunch? This WAS different, I liked it.
"Guys, I have to cancel going to the ESPN Zone on Thursday afternoon." I told Ally and Gina as I walked into the living room. Ironically they were watching ESPN.
"What! Why?!" They both said... they answered with each other a lot, it was either funny or weird... I swear they are like twins.
"I have a date..."
"WITH PATRICK KANE?!, oh my godddd!" Ally jumped up and ran over to me.
"Yes, with Pat.."
"Why are you not excited?" Gina asked.
"Oh trust me I am. I just think that maybe if I contain it, I won't worry about it or freak about... that I'm going on a date with Patrick Friggin Kane on Thursday"
That night, I couldn't sleep. Something was keeping me up, I was never like this, sleep was my best friend. I was thinking to much... about him. This could be good or bad.