
chapter eleven; we will make it work.

*Ally's POV*
It's been a month since the Vegas trip. Steph was always gone with Kaner, I loved them being together, they were just perfect. Gina and Jonny had their own routine too, they were stronger then ever. As for Brent and I, well I couldn't be more happy with him. He has something special about him that drew me in and I couldn't resist.
I walked downstairs to greet everyone, Christina, Gabby, Gina and Steph. Christina and Gabby had been rooming in the spare room for a while this summer.
"Steph's home? Shocker!" I laughed.
"Shush" Steph responded.
"You ain't got nothing to come back with"
"I know" She sighed.
"How are you doing Ally?" Gabby asked, "You kinda look a little out of it today."
"Uhm, I'm alright.." I looked down at my hands.
"That's a lie" Christina cut in.
"I know, " I was still looking at my hands, "I'm just a little worried."
"About what?" Gina asked.
"I'm late, I haven't gotten my period for a week." Their faces dropped.
"Shouldn't you take a test or something?" Steph said.
"I bought one.. I'm just afraid to find out."
"Ally, you have to take it. You have to find out." Gina said.
"I know, " I sighed and walked up to the bathroom. I had three tests just to make sure. The first one, negative. That took a weight off my shoulders. The second and third one were positive. The weight was back on my shoulders. I walked downstairs, tears in my eyes. I looked up at the four girls. "I'm pregnant." The tears were heavier now, They all got up and gave me a group hug. "Ally, it'll be okay. Everything has to be okay" Gina exclaimed. "I have to call Brent" I said, and left to my room.
I sat on my bed staring at my phone. I had to tell him, I was having his child, he needed to know, I couldn't keep this from him. I let some more tears out and finally dialed his number. I asked if I could come over to his house since everyone was here. He agreed and I left for his house, I had taken a break fro crying but I still felt it in me. I arrived at Brent's and he greeted me at the door.
"Babe, what's wrong." He asked.
"Can we sit down.." Brent took my hand and we went into his living room.
"What's up?"
"Uhm, I don't know how you are going to take this but.." I paused and looked at my hands.
"But what," He had the worried look on his face.
"I'm pregnant."
"Uhm," Brent was at loss for words.
"I'll just go,"
"Ally stay!"
"I can't, uhm just call me when you wanna talk" And with that I left.
*Brent's POV*
She just left. Just like that and she was having my child. This can't be happening. Neither of us were ready for this. I had a game later tonight, Ally was suppose to come, but now I don't know if she would.
I left for the arena early, Jonny was always there and he would always know what to say. When I got there, I sat a my locker, my eye were bloodshot but I sat with my head in my hands.
"Brent?" I looked up and it was Jonny and Kaner. Fuck Kaner was here, he would just make jokes.
"Dude what the hell happened to you" Kaner asked.
"No fuck you Pat"
"I'm kidding man!"
"Well what is it?" Jonny cut in.
"She's pregnant" They didn't say anything.
"I don't know what to do. I love her, but this is too much." I continued, Jonny sat down beside me. The girls started to arrive and Kaner went out to see Steph.
"You have to support her, if you love her you have to be with her every step of the way. Maybe move in together? Have you talked to her?" Jonny said.
"I know, and I will. I love her with everything I have. And you're right that might be a good idea, but I haven't talked to her since earlier today."
"Well let's go out and see if she is here." Jon suggested. We walked out and Steph was standing with Pat, Christina and Gabby were laughing off to the side and Gina came over to hug Jonny, there was no sign of Ally. I had to focus, and I tried my best but I couldn't, I wasn't going to have a good game. And with that I didn't have a good game, we lost 5-3. Nothing was going right. I decided to shower and then head over to Ally's. I needed to talk things through with her. As I got to her apartment, Steph and Pat were just leaving together, not a surprise. I walked myself in, I was in a rush to talk to Ally.
I seen Gina first, "Is Ally here?" I asked.
"Brent you look awful, and yeah she's in her room." I walked up stairs and knocked on her door.
"Come in." She said. I walked through the door and she looked up. She ran into my arms and I took her into a big hug.
"We need to talk." I said and we walked over to her bed.
"Look, I know we both aren't ready for this, but it's happening. I love you with my life and I want to be with you and I know we can get through this." I told her.
"That's really good to hear, because I'm really scared for all this. And you know I love you too and I do believe we can work this out."
"I have a suggestion"
"I think we should move in together. I have a spare room in my condo and we could change it into the babies rooms. I know you'll be alone a lot with the schedule, but everyone lives just down the street and you know I don't mind if they come over"
"I'd like that Brent, it'd make me feel more like a family."
With that I kissed her, I gripped my hands around her waist and I felt her tears drop on to my arms. I knew she was scared but this was going to work, I would do anything to make it great.

chapter ten; vegas.

i never knew there'd come a day
when i'd be saying to you
don't let this good love slip away
now that we know that it's true
don't, don't you know the kind of man i am
no, said i'd never fall in love again
but it's real and the feeling comes shinning through.

*Stephanie's POV*

When Pat and I returned, we decided to go on a road trip to Vegas. Ally, Gina, Christina, Gabrielle and I all went out for a girls nights before we left in the morning with the boys, Kaner, Tazer, Sharpie, Versteeg, Seabrook and Burish. We went out to our favourite sports bar but we sat in the dining area since hockey season had finished.
"That thing is huge" Ally grabbed my hand and looked my ring over once again.
"I can't believe your marrying Pat, I mean I could totally see it!" Gina said.
"I can't wait for the wedding party" Gabrielle nudged Christina and then we all joined in giggling.
"Burish and Versteeg is going right?" She continued.
"Whoa, easy there girl, and yes the team will be there." I laughed.
We finished up with our dinner and headed back to the apartment. We were all packed and took a few shots before crashing. Christina and Gabby slept in the spare room and Ally, Gina and I went to our own rooms. We left that morning, Christina and Gabrielle took a car with Burish, Versteeg and Sharpie while Pat, Gina, Ally, Jonny, Brent and I squeezed into my Range Rover. We switched drivers and got to Vegas by night but we didn't stop their, we got to our hotel and changed for the clubs. I wore a black shirt, low cut in the back with ripped jeans and black high heels. Christina shared a room with Sharpie, they were getting pretty close, especially since he broke up with Abby just last week. Gabriella was in a room with Versteeg and Burish.. that wouldn't be good. I shared with Pat, Ally was with Brent and Gina went with Jonny. We all met in the lobby of the hotel and went to about 5 clubs, we were all smashed. Gina and Jonny left after the 4th stop and went back to the hotel, they were making out as they got in the cab and people were just staring it was pretty funny. Ally and Brent were on the dance floor where they usually ended up in the bars/clubs, Ally was going pretty crazy, she was the funniest/best dance when drunk. Gabrielle took Burish back to the hotel, Steeger would have to crash in someones room for the night. I was dancing with Pat and then went on got us drinks, Steeger was sitting at the bar as I went up.
"Two Corona's please"
"Having fun?" Kris asked me.
"So much, why aren't you out picking up the ladies?" I asked.
"Well I'm meeting them over here, I have a pretty good conversations" He winked. I turned around with both the Corona's in my hands, but dropped them with was I saw. Kaner was grinding with some other girl. I began to cry, and I ran out of the club with Kris following me. He helped me up to my room and sat me on the bed in my room and I sobbed over what I just saw. Kris was talking to me, he was so sweet and the next thing I knew I was kissing him and he was on top of me. We made out for a good 5 minutes before something caught me eye. My ring.
"Stop, stop!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry" He said.
"No, it's not you. I just can't do this. I love Pat... I'm suppose to get married to him, I shouldn't have kissed you." I was crying again and Kris took me into his arms.
"You can stay here for the night Kris, I'm going to crash in Gina's room." I knocked on her door, no answer. I knocked again, this time she was quick to answer. She popped her head out the door and I fell to the ground crying, again.
"Steph! What happened!" She said, helping me up off the ground and into her room.
"It's Pat."
"Did something happen to him?" Jonny asked.
"No... he was" I paused, I forced the words out of my mouth, "He was grinding with some other girl when I left to get drinks."
"I'm gunna kill him, "They both said.
"We're taking you home,"
"No, I don't want to ruin the trip for you guys."
"Steph, no one will mind"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, let's go and get packed." We went back to my room, Gina, Jonny and I to get my stuff. Pat was in there laying on the bed. I seen him and didn't go in any further. I couldn't face him like this. Gina went a grabbed my stuff, thank god Jonny distracted Pat from what Gina was doing, or he would just be curious. Gina gathered my things and took me back to her room. We left that morning, instead of Pat being in the car it was Versteeg. Pat and I haven't spoke. Jonny talked to him and told him what he had done at the club and that I was a complete mess.
The drive home was a lot faster then the one there. I didn't unpack when I got home. I grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream, put on some sweats and a big sweater and sat in front of the TV watching "The Notebook". I cried at everything, I just couldn't deal right now. I got a text from Pat, but I ignored it and turned off my phone.
"Should we talk to her again?" Ally said to Gina, they were sitting in the kitchen.
"I want to, but nothings helping. We have tried to talk to her, Pat will come around and they can fix this, right now she just needs to deal with it her way."
"You're right, I just hate seeing her like this."
"Me too."
There was a knock on the door. I was Pat. Ally answered.
"What do you want?!" She snapped.
"I want to talk to Steph," He tried to push passed her but ran into Gina.
"She's a fucking wreck Pat, why the hell would you do what you did."
"I wasn't thinking. I love this girl with my life, please let me fix it" They let him in and he came into the living room where I was sitting. I looked up and burst into tears. He tried to hug me but I refused it. He sat beside and I set my ice cream on the table. Ally and Gina were watching from the stairs, they tried to make it look like they had left to their rooms, but I knew them too well.
"Steph.." Pat started, "I'm really sorry about the other night."
"Pat, how--" I cut him off.
"Let me finish" He said, "I'm really sorry about the other night, I don't know what got into me. It happened so fast I didn't even catch myself doing it. I love you with my life and I would do anything for us to be together. That's why I proposed, I want to be with you forever, I don't wanna loose you."
Here come the tears.
"I know you didn't mean to, but it still happened. It really hurt and if that's going to happen every time you drink, then I --"
"Steph, you've been with me when I drink, you know its not going to happen again. I can control myself when I'm drunk still.."
"Are you sure you can?"
"Yes, babe I love you. I hate that you are like this right now."
"Pat, I just--" My voice was shaky.
"Please Steph. Don't let this slip away."
"Make sure it doesn't happen again." I looked down at my hands then back up to meet his eyes, "I do want to marry you. I do want to be with you. I love you with everything and I don't want to go through this again" I finished.
"I won't, you can trust me on anything. I love you"
"I love you to." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I know it was probably the hardest apology ever and maybe I gave in a little easy but I love him. I gave him another couple kisses but he had to leave for practice. I had him back. I was glad, but I was worried that it might happen again, but I had to be positive. This was the first time something happened since we've been together, Kaner wasn't the kind to cheat, so I knew I could trust him.

chapter nine; it's all like a dream.

*Stephanie's POV*
After a week of partying, I invited Pat up to my parents place in Oakville. They were having the yearly beach bash/family reunion, the whole town pretty much showed up for this and of course our family. My mom new about Pat and I but we never got the chance to go up and visit so this was the first time Pat was meeting my parents. I was excited but he was nervous.
"Pat, they're gunna love you" I touched the side of his face with my hand and his eyes pulled mine into his.
"I really hope they do, I want to make a good impression"
"Just be yourself, the Pat that I know and love. That's why I love you"
"I love you to, Steph" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a kiss.
We grabbed our things and brought them downstairs. Ally and Brent were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee, it was 9 in the morning and Pat and I had to leave for our flight to Toronto. Ally ran over and hugged me, while Brent teased Pat and made him a little more nervous.
"Thanks Brent" I laughed.
"My pleasure" He winked.
"Waaaaaiit!" Gina yelled, running down the stairs. She jumped on me and gave me a big hug, "Have fun, behave and don't get into trouble. Text me if those bitches show up and I'll be on the next flight for some ass kicking with Ally."
I laughed, "I'll be sure to notify you two"
"Good, now go go go" Gina, Ally and I went into a group hug and then Pat and I left. I grabbed his hand as we walked out the door. I knew my parents would love him.
The flight was long, Pat was fast asleep and I stayed up to see the view. It was cloudy with a little bit of sun. I soon drifted off and before I knew it, I was in my mom's arms giving her a hug.
I let go of her and held my hand out to Pat, "Pat this is my Mom, Lisa, step dad Joe, you'll meet my brothers are home."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs and Mr Pratt." He held out his hand to my mom and Joe to shake their hand.
"Oh," My mom chuckled, "Call me Lisa, please your making me feel old." Me and Joe looked at each other and laughed.
"You are old mommy" I smiled.
"Love you to Steph" She laughed. We all gathered into the car and drove out to the house. We had a house here and in Cobourg, but I loved coming here in the summer, with the pool how and it being right on the beach. It was the perfect spot for romance. We got to the house and I took Kaner out to the pool house which used to be my bedroom until I moved to chicago, but my parents changed it back when I came home. They were the best. We dropped our stuff in the pool house and I took Pat out to the beach, the party was already starting and I couldn't wait to see everyone. Except for one person, the first one I ran into.. My ex.
"Hey Steph!" Nick started to pull his arms to a hug, but then noticed Pat behind me and took them down.
"Hi.. Nick" I mumbled, "Nick, this is Pat--"
"I know who he is," He cut me off "Nice to meet you man" He clearly didn't clue in that I was dating him.
"Uh, yeah you to" Pat said. We started to walk but Nick followed, I grabbed Pat's hand, Nick was oblivious. Idiot. We grab a Bug Light and took a seat around the big bonfire. Everyone from high school was here. I couldn't believe it, all my old friends came over to say hi and I introduced them all to Pat. Nick was sitting on the other side of me.
"Where's Lindsay?" I asked Nick.
"Uh yeah we broke up last month."
"Oh, sorry"
"I was going to call you, but your number was changed"
"Mhm, sorry. States numbers are different."
"Yeah. Uh, so can you come talk with me?" He asked.
"Why? What about?"
"Us.." He said as his head tilted down. Pat was now giving him the death glare.
"Nick.. I'm in a relationship."
"Wow dude! Are you retarded!" Pat yelled.
"Oh, shit. You."
"Yeah," Pat snapped.
"I can still win her back.." Nick protested.
"Oh really, " Pat said standing up.
"Pat don't" I yelled. He didn't listen. He was very protective.
"Let's go, " Nick answered. Nick threw the first punch and missed. Pat answered to his and nailed him in the face. Nick was laying on the sand, bloody nose. I grabbed Pat and looked at his hand. It was scratched. I took him back to the pool house and cleaned up his hand, after I sat down on the bed with him.
"I'm sorry abo--"
"He deserved it" I said, cutting Pat off.
"Yeah he did" He smiled.
"Not just cause he's an idiot.."
"What else?"
"He cheated on me in high school, Lindsay was the girl he cheated with. I went over to see him and she was there, Grade 10 was the worst year ever."
"I'm sorry.."
"Don't be, he was worth any of my time" I smiled.
Pat put him arms around me, his muscles tightened and I leaned my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead "You're everything to me" He said. I looked up and kissed him. I got that feeling again in my stomach. I wanted to be with him, forever. He made me so happy, I couldn't ask for anything better. He took me and layed me on to the bed. He was on top of me and we both kicked off our shoes. His fingers ran threw my hair as I took off his shirt. Seconds later we were under the covers, everything threw onto the floor. "I love you" He whispered, and I answered it back. It was going to be a good night.
The next morning I woke up, not hungover thank god since we had a rough week before from partying. I jumped into the shower after Pat had his and got dressed. I pulled on some ripped jean shorts, a plain white tank and my favourtie wedge flip flops. I added some jewelery to my outfit and let my hair air dry in a wave. Pat was in beige shorts with a navy blue polo and flip flops. Dayum.
We got into my car that I leave here at my parents and drove down to the 'Sunnyside Grill' dowtown. I ordered my favourite cheese omlete with toast and Pat had a bacon sandwich with toast. We talked and talked over breakfast, everything just cam natural to us. After breakfast we went back and changed into bathing suits for the beach. I was wearing my favourite 'Corona' bikini, it was green and white.
"What?" I asked as I walked out of the washroom.
Pat's face had a little smirk on it, "You're beautiful"
I blushed "Well your not to bad yourself, Mr Kane"
"I know right?" He winked. We headed down to the beach for the day, soaking up the sun and going for a quick swim. The water was clear, and the day couldn't get more perfect. Around 5, we went back for dinner. Then after Pat wanted to go down to the boardwalk. I pulled on a navy blue cami and some ripped jeans since it was getting a little bit cooler out. Pat threw on a Hollister sweater, I wrapped my arms around him and took in the heat of his body and the smell of his cologne.
"This is so beautiful, isn't it?" I claimed looking out to the skyline over the water, the sun was setting and the sky was a perfect pinky orange. I turned to Pat, but I had to look down... He was on one knee.
"Stephanie Michelle Pratt, "He begun taking a hold of my hand and I felt tears form in my eyes, "I've fallen in love with you. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. We can talk about anything and everything, we can hang out in sweats and just bum around and laugh about nothing. I want to be with you forever..." He paused, then started again, "Will you marry me?"
"YES! yes yes yes! I will" Pat slipped the ring on my finger. It was beautiful, It had a big diamond in the middle, surrounded with 4 littles ones on each side. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and just kissed him, it felt like forever. We stayed on the beach for a while, until we fell asleep on the blanket we had with us, I curled up into his body and we slept on the beach. It was all like a dream.


chapter eight; stanley cup champs.

*Stephanie's POV*
"Christina!" Gina yelled. She jumped on Christina, then Ally and I joined in giving her a group hug. Her and Gabriella came down for Game 6 of the SC Finals in Philly. We were in our hotel getting ready to head to the arena where we are meeting Gabriella. I wore my Gucci shoes again, they seem to be pretty lucky. Each of us are wearing a Chicago jersey, I was in a Kane jersey, Gina in a Toews jersey, Ally with a Seabrook one on, while Christina wore Sharp and Gabriella was sporting Versteeg. I sprayed just a little bit of hairspray in my curled hair to keep it in place, then we headed to the Wachovia Center. We went down to see the boys as we usually did before each game, wished them luck and went to our seats. The orange made my eyes sting, it was terrible. Tazer didn't want us wearing Hawks jersey for a million reasons that he could think of, we obviously didn't listen.
The game was intense, it stayed tied pretty much the whole time until the Hawks scored going into the 3rd period. They held a 3-2 lead for most of the period until Hartnell scored. Fucker. Overtime in the Game 6, nerves were bad. 4 minutes into overtime, Kaner started to celebrate.
"What is he doing!?" I yelled to the girls.
"Is it even in!?" Christina replied. The rest of the team started jumping of the bench, gloves, sticks and helmets flying everywhere. The crowd went silent except for the, maybe 50 Hawks fans in it. We all jumped up hugging each other and the few Hawks fans around us. After the presentation of the Conn Smythe we finally got a spot in line to go onto the ice surface. Jonathan Toews lifted the Cup in the air and the place erupted in 'boos'. Suck it Philly. We then made our way to the ice, Ally went to find Brent and Gina went to see Jonny. Christina and Gabriella followed me over to see Pat. I could see his jersey, his cousin Matt pointed in my direction and when he turned around I could feel tears form in my eyes. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and spun me around. "Congradulations babe!" I said to him. He couldn't speak. He was still holding me. My legs wrapped around his waste and he covered me with kisses, I couldn't believe what was happening. He set me down as Jonny and Gina came over. The boys went into a long hug, it was adorable. Then came the cameras, they surrounded both Jonny and Pat. I was still with Pat and Gina squeezed into the cameras to get to Jonny.
"Pat how does it feel to celebrate this with your family and friends?" Elliot Friedman asked.
"I couldn't ask for it to be any other way. I've got my parents, sisters and my girlfriend here with me. I also had a few buddies come down from Buffalo." He said. His arm was around me and I could feel him pull me in closer as he spoke. He finished his interview and took me into another hug and gave me a few more kisses. We followed Sharpie into the locker room with the cup, Kaner was the first to grab a beer. Not a surprise, I took one along with him. Christina and Gabriella were over with Versteeg, Sharpie and Duncs. Ally held a bottle of champagne while Brent opened a new one and sprayed it everywhere. Gina was watching Jonny take drinks from the cup. Captain Serious no more.
Later that night we all went out to a local bar with the team when we got back into Chicago. A lot of people were drunk from the celebration and it wasn't going to get an clearer tonight. I took Pat out to the dance floor. Our bodies moved together, as we grinded with each other. Versteeg was loving his drunkenness and Gabriella was loving it right back, soon they disappeared into the back of the bar. Brent, Ally, Gina and Jonny were chugging back drink after drink at the bar and Christina and Sharpie were out on the dance floor too. Sharpie's girlfriend wasn't in town so Christina took advantage of it, on the plus side Sharpie wasn't even drunk yet so he knew what trouble he was getting into, but he didn't care. "I just won the motherfucking Cup!" He yelled. and the place burst into cheers. Tonight was going to be a good night.

chapter seven; cinderella.

*Gina's POV*
I woke up with the sun beating in threw my window. I felt a rush go threw me as I remembered that I was having lunch with Jonny today. I got up and showered, though it was hot out in Chicago, the warm water felt good and it woke me up some more. I let my hair air dry, it had a little wave to it and I wasn't really in the mood to do anything with it. I threw on a pair of ripped shorts from American Eagle and a white v-neck tshirt. By now it was 9:30, I was impressed with myself getting ready in half an hour. I walked downstairs to have some breakfast, it seemed to quiet in the house. Steph went to Pat's early this morning and Ally must have been still sleeping, or so I thought.
After I finished eating, I threw on a pair of flip flops and drove over to Jonny's. He came down to greet me at the door. The place he lived in was amazing, he had his apartment set up so modern like. I spotted a guitar in his living room as we sat down on the coach, it made him just that more attractive.
"You play?" I asked pointing to the guitar.
"Not very much, I just fool around with it."
We talked for hours. The talk was just about randoms things too. It felt good just to bum around and talk about nothing. It was time to go and he walked me downstairs to my car, since he had to leave for practice. He threw everything in his car and came over to me.
"I had a really nice time today Gina." He smiled.
"I did to," He got closer to me, his hands pulled me into a hug and the next thing I knew his lips came together with mine. I felt them sting, it was vibrant, was it really happening?
"I call you" He said, pulling back from me. We both got in our cars and left. What about Kasie? I couldn't be with him if she was around, but she'd probably murder me if she found out what just happened. I got back home and Steph was home, finally.
"How'd things go with Jon?" She asked.
"Fine," I smiled back.
"Gina, I can read you like a book! What happened"
"He kissed me." I felt my face get hot, I could tell I was blushing.
"And anything about Kasie?"
"No, if she finds out she'd kill me and then him... Who are you texting?"
"Uhm, Ally." Steph smirked.
"Don"t get into anymore trouble with Kasie, you and Ally are bad when it comes to things like this," I laughed,
"I think it would be good if Kasie found out.."
"And I think Jonny will tell her. His isn't that kind of person."
"True, well if he doesn't, then Ally and I will make sure she does"
"Oh I know you two will, speaking of Ally, where is she?"
"She went to the practice, with Brent" Steph giggled.
"SERIOUSLY! Whatta girl, I knew they would hit it off."
"And so they did, I think they'll be official soon and I'd put money on that one. Plus I think it will be you and Jonny soon enough." As soon as Steph said that the door bell rang. I answered the door, it was Kasie.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing with Jonny?!" Kasie blurted.
"What the fuck do YOU think you are doing at my apartment, and how in the world did you find it!?"
"That's not the point, I know you kissed him." She said. Steph was behind me ready to deck Kasie in the face, but instead she was texting play by play to Ally.
"Actually, for you information, he kissed me."
"Ya whatever, just get out of my apartment." I said slamming the door.
"Dude, she's a hot mess" Steph said, laughing at the situation.
"I know, when Jonny calls I'm going to tell him."
"Good, maybe then he will break up with her."
After practice Jonny called right away.
"Can you come over Gina?"
"Yeah sure,"
I went over to Jonny's and explained what happened. He called Kasie and broke things off. I could hear her threw the phone screaming, how did he put up with her for 5 months? When he got off the phone, my face was dropped. He looked over to me.
"Your all mine now" He said, moving closer.
"Jon.. I really like you, but I don't want to just be a thing that you fall for when you girlfriend is away.."
"Gina, that's not how I see you. I've never felt, what I feel with you when I was with Kasie. Your all I've thought about lately, and I just want to be with you." He didn't let me speak. His hand were running threw my hair, his lips brushed up against mine, the vibrant feeling was back and my lips tingled. This felt so right, he felt so right and I wanted to be with him and so here I was. It felt like a Prince Charming and Cinderella story, and it could do without the wicked "ex" girlfriend.
But I had won, and Kasie was out of the picture. For now.


chapter six; every rose has it's thorn.

every rose has it's thorn
just like every night has it's dawn
just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
every rose has it's thorn
yeah it does.

*Stephanie's POV*
It's game day. The Chicago Blackhawks are in the Stanley Cup Finals. Patrick and I are going strong, and I couldn't be more happier with him, I wanted to be with him every minute of the day. Ally was going to give Brent a shot, I think they really could have something going for them. Ally was picky though, she liked what she liked and that was the way it would be, Brent wasn't her type but I think it was going to go somewhere with them plus everyone knew he had it for her, she just had to give him a chance. Gina was a little upset over Jonny, but the fact that him and Kasie weren't getting along at the moment made the situation better. Kasie was going to be at the game tonight and we would probably meet her when we went to see the boys, I don't know how it would go but Gina was going to get Jon, nothing would stop this girl when she wanted something.
"Are you ready yet Steph? Pat doesn't care what you look like, hell he's seen you naked can't get worse then that." Ally she joked yelling up the stairs.
"Get out of here Ally!" I laughed.
I walked down the stairs and we took Gina's car over to the United Center. The place was full with red. It was a sold out game, after 49 years the Hawks had a chance to win the Stanley Cup. Once we got threw the crowds we made our way back by the locker rooms, I texted Pat that we were here. He came out, he had his hockey pants on and a Bauer workout shirt that he wore under his equipment. He pulled me into him, I felt his muscles tighten around my shoulder, his hands went threw my hair as his kissed me.
"Alright you two, we get it." Ally said.
"Don't be jealous you can't have me" He replied.
"I know, sorry. I just can't help myself"
"I knew it!"
"I was joking," She laughed.
"Mhm," He winked.
I pulled away from him and entwined my fingers with his and he kissed my forehead. I seen Jon come over, followed by a medium height brunette girl. She was pretty.
"Hey Jon," Gina smiled.
"Hey" He smiled back.
"Jonny baby, aren't you going to introduce me?" Jonny baby? Really? Are you five? Ally was trying to control her outburst of laughter, that most of the time Gina and I were contagious to.
"Uh, uh huh. This is uh, Kasie.." He looked down as the words came out.
"Hi," We said in unison. Kasie tryed to put her hand with Jonny but he pulled away.
It was time for the game, Gina, Ally and I left for our seats. Kasie followed.. loudly... behind us, we answered her with one word but she didn't catch on. We reached our seats and lost her, Gina wasn't feeling it. She wanted Jon, Ally wanted to deck the girl in the face and I just wanted to get threw this game. First period, Hawks lead 2-0. Sharp and Versteeg both with goals. During the intermission, we ran into Kasie.
"Gina, got the hots for Jonny?" Kasie asked. Shit.
"Uhm, no. We are just friends"
"Ya, ya you do. You want him. Too bad he's mine. Jonny love ME, he doesn't want you."
"ALLY, !!" I yelled.
"Oppps" Ally said with a smile on her face.
"What!" Kasie pulled a fist up, she was about to punch someone. Most likely Gina. Ally put a stop to that. She grabbed her arm and tryed to cool down the situation that she just made. We all decided to walk away and go back to our seats. We didn't need to cause drama for the boys in the finals.
The Blackhawks won the game 4-0, Jon with a goal and Bolland put another one on the board too. We left for the apartment after I said goodbye to Kaner and that's where it all began.
Once we got in the door Jonny called Gina's phone.
"Hi, Jonny" Gina picked up.
"I'm sorry about tonight?"
"What are you sorry about?"
"Her. Kasie, I didn't mean for anything to happen. I only had to come to Chicago so I could 'talk' to her in person."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Pat told Steph about everything, so I assume you know.."
"Oh, ya. He did."
"I don't know what is going to happen. Her and I have both done stuff behind each others backs. Even though you and I didn't do anything serious, it still shouldn't have happened while I was in a relationship, but I don't regret it...I do like you Gina, this may be all fast but I feel a different way towards you then I do about her."
"That's sweet Jonny, and I really like you too but I don't want to cause shit in your relationship."
"I don't think you could cause anymore then there already is."
"Gina, I have to go. Can we hang out tomorrow before my practice?"
"I'd like that. What time?"
"Around 10?"
"Perfect, see you then."


"Got a date with Jon?" I smiled.
"Just friends, Steph"
"Not for long Gina, you and him will happen! Trust me!"
"I do, I do believe you and I'm going to make something happen, I want something to happen and I know he does too, he just told me."
"What!! ahhh, that's great. One step closer" I smiled.

chapter five; girlfriends // give it a shot.

*Stephanie's POV*
I wake up. I feel a lot better then I thought I would seeing how much I drank last night. I roll over to see Pat beside me, I don't remember much from the bar last night but damn, I sure remembered Pat..
I jump out of bed, trying not to wake him. I throw on some shorts and Pat's blackhawks sweater that he left with me before he went to Vancouver then I head downstairs. I don't remember Ally coming home last night, not that I would have notice since I was...occupied. She was walking in the door right when I reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Ally? Where in the hell did you end up last night?"
"All I remember is that I went home with some guy, I don't know who he was though he was a hockey player. That's all I know."
"Was is Brent?"
"Oh god no, he deffinetly isn't my type."
"Oh well you guys left around the same time then"
"Meh, I'll tell ya right now, it was deff not him."
We heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Jonny and Gina. Ally and I looked at each other and smiled, Gina seen us and smiled at us from behind Jonny.
"Good morning ladies" Jon smiled.
"Morning" Ally and I replied.
"What the fuck was that?!" Gina asked.
"I don't know, Kaner got into something or he's still a little drunk" I replied.
"Jon," I nudged him, "Come with me to check on him?" I urged him to come with me so Ally could get the quick deets about Gina and Jonny. Jon and I headed upstairs, Pat had knock over my light trying to stand up, and he managed to be stable by the time we go into my room. Pat ran over to me and pulled me into a big.
"Jonny? What are you doing here?" Pat asked, with one arm still around me.
"Uh, I crashed here last night.." Jon's face was down looking at the floor.
"What about.."
"PAT!" Jonny yelled, his eyes looked over at me then back at Pat. Jonny was hiding something.
"I'll just let you two be," Jon said leaving back downstairs, shutting the door behind him.
"Now where were we?" Pat turned back to me and carried me to the bed. He drowned me with kisses, my breath was gone. He started to take of my shirt but I stopped him.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing it's just.. what is going on with Jonny?"
"What do you mean." He was still half on top of me, so I squirmed out from underneath him and we sat on the bed facing each other.
"You intended something when you guys were talking.. what was it about"
"Oh uh, I don't know if I should say anything."
"Cmon Pat.." I said, giving him a kiss.
He smiled. "I don't know how to say this... Jonny has a girlfriend."
"What!?" My face dropped.
"I know. She is coming to Game 1 of the finals. I don't want him hurting Gina that's all."
"Why the hell is Jonny staying here for the night then?"
"I don't know that's why I asked him."
"Well, he better straighten out. Him and Gina have been getting close, he better not hurt her."
"He won't, he plans on talking to her. Plus him and his girlfriend, Kasie have been quite distant and she recently cheated on him, they are still trying to work it out."
Kaner is in his boxers, I throw him sweats and a his tshirt, then we head downstairs to join everyone else. Jonny gives Pat a death glare when we go down, he isn't to impressed.
"You and Seabs eh?!" Kaner teased Ally.
"Oh god, no Pat, no" Pat goes over and gives Ally a big hug, then noogies her head as she screams. We are all laughing, they are kinda like a brother and sister, and they get on each others nerves pretty easy. Gina and Jonny are sitting in the living room having some coffee, I nudge Ally..
"We have to go for lunch when the boys leave, I have something to talk to you and Gina about" I whisper to her as Kaner gets some orange juice. She nodds her head. Pat sits down with his juice but Ally grabs it from him,
"Thanks buddy, that was nice of you"
"Bite me Ally" He replies. I get up and get Pat and I each a class of oj. After some breakfast him and Jonny leave. Jonny takes a cab with Pat, but he was getting impatient because Pat wouldn't let me go.
"Pat, we have to get to the gym.." Jonny says
"Stephanie is my gym, "
"Oh god, I don't want to know about your crazy sex life. Let's go."
"Fiiinnne," Pat gives me one more kiss then heads off down the hall with Jon. I go back into the apartment and get ready for lunch. At 12:30 we all head out to go to our favourite cafe down the street.
"So what is it you had to tell me and Gina?" Ally asks.
"Uhm well, when me and Jonny went upstairs to see Pat, Pat was confused about why Jonny was here and why he had spent the night."
"He has a girlfriend.." Gina dropped her spoon as the word came out of my mouth.
"I'm sorry Gina.." I say
"THAT SCUM BAG!" Ally yells, and gets the attention of everyone at the cafe.
"Guys, it's okay.. It's not like anything was going to happen with us anyways."
"Hold your breath Gina, he wants to break up with her. Source, ahem, Kaner, say that they have been really distant and she won't even return his calls. He thinks that it would be best if they broke up. But she is coming down for game 1," Ally starts to open her mouth, "Wait Ally!" I say, "She also just recently cheated on him, another hockey player I suppose, but they are still trying to work that out. Tazer isn't to happy with her at the moment."
"Well it's fine, I don't like him anyways..." Gina put her head down.
"Oh pshh, yes you do" Ally claimed, "And you're gunna get him. Do I have to cut this bitch? Jonny now belongs to Gina, and girl you are going to get him. Plus he likes you.. he wouldn't risk another mistake in his relationship by sleeping over and hanging out with you."
"I agree," I say.
"You guys are right, this bitch is going down!" Gina replies.
"That's the way to think girl!" Ally and I say.
Ally gets a text message, she quickly looks down at her phone the back up, "Shiitt!" she yells.
"What!? Who is it?!" Gina says.
"Uh, no one.. "
"Ally..!!" I say
"It's, uh... Brent" she gulps.
"HA, oh my god Ally. I knew it!" I laugh
"Yeah yeah, you were right. Meh, won't happen again.."
"Won't happen again eh? Then why are you texting him back" I laughed.
"To uh, tell him that I didn't know it was him."
"Ally, don't be so harsh... and don't lie!" Gina answered.
"Finnne, I guess I could give him a shot. Maybe he could be my type. He's good in bed though, "She teased, "He's pretty alright looking too.."
"Alright looking!" I yelled...
"He fucking sexy," Gina filled in
"I KNOW! Why is this happening! I doubt we have anything in common, --"
"Give it a shot Ally, it wont be that bad" I cut her off, she agreed and we finished up our lunches. We got home and had the tickets in the mail for game 1, shit was going down.


chapter four; feisty.

you lift my feet off the ground
you spin me around
you make me crazier crazier
feels like i'm falling and i
i'm lost in your eyes
you make me crazier, crazier, crazier

*Stephanie's POV*
Hawks win the series, their going to the finals! Gina and I were jumping up and down in the bar, giving out lots and lots of hugs to all the fans. The hawks had just beat out the canucks and they were going to the finals against the flyer's. As soon as we got home, we had a bite to eat then crashed. Gina had to pick up Ally from the airport tomorrow and I had to go get Pat. This time they weren't arriving at the same airport which was miss fortunate but we were all coming back to the apartment then going out for drinks.
It was early, around 9:00am and I was sitting in the airport waiting area for Kaner. Ally and Gina would be home by now, Ally's flight arrived early to Chicago. I was texting Pat while waiting in the airport, when finally they arrived. I seen him and just darted to him. He dropped all his bags and I jumped into his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist.
"I missed you so much!" He said, giving me a kiss. I jump off of him but i continued to keep him in my arms.
"I missed you to, next time I'm coming with you!" I replied kissing him again.
We finally got out of the airport traffic and back to my apartment. Pat left his stuff in my Range Rover and we made our way up to the apartment. We flung in the door. Me in his arms, his hands all over me and kissing everywhere. Ally and Gina we sitting at the island in the kitchen. Ally coughed really loudly then Pat and I came to a dead stop.
"Oh, hey girls!" I said with a goofy smile on my face, "Give us one sec and then we can get ready to go out."
"Make it quick, you to"
"I'm superman" Kaner replied with a wink. Pat and I made our way upstairs, fooling both Ally and Gina into thinking with the dirty side of their minds. We both got changed, Kaner had a outfit he had left he from a while ago that I had washed which he changed in to. I put on a high top black skirt with a white tank top, a little grey cover-up and those favourite Gucci shoes of mine. Kaner was looking mighty fine in that outfit he had on; a white polo with ripped jeans and his flip flops... I wanted to rip it all off. Once we walked downstairs to meet Ally and Gina. They were both giving us confused looks.
"What's the looks about?" Pat asked jokingly.
"Uhh,?" Ally was to confused to speak.
"Nothing, just.. nothing" Gina, tryed to back her up.
"Ohh, mhm, we gotcha" Pat grinned.
"Well, we will go get ready then head over to Brent's before we leave for the club" Gina said.
They both went up and got ready while Pat and I sat on the coach. He put on the highlights of the game and got the jokey cocky attitude that he brings along with him every now and then. I loved it. After about an hour and a half, Gina and Ally walked downstairs and we left for Brent's apartment. We each car pooled in one car since we'd end up taking cabs home anyways.
We got to Brent's but Jon greeted us at the door. He gave Gina a hug, and Ally and I kind of giggled. They were cute and we could tell Gina had a little crush on him. We walked into the living room where Brent and Duncan were playing PS3.
"Oh, hey Ally!" Brent jumped up to greet her.
"Nice to see you to Brent" Kaner said laughing.
"Ya dude, that was cool. I know." Apparently Brent was having his own little conversation in his head.
"Well are you guys ready to head out?" Jon asked.
We left for the club. We all walked because it was only 5 minutes away from Brent's apartment. We met up with the rest of the team there and within about an hour Kaner, along with everyone else was smashed. Ally had taken Brent out to the dance floor, Gina was working her magic on those two already, they had been ignoring everyone the whole night. Gina was sitting at the bar with Jonny, taking shots while Kris Versteeg, Pat and I got up to sing karaoke.
Cause I saddle up my horse and I ride into the city I make a lot of noise cause the girls they are so pretty, riding up and down Broadway on my old stud Leroy and the girls say save a horse, ride a cowboy, everybody says save a horse, ride a cowboy.
After that song the bar started to settled down, everyone took a seat except for Ally and Brent, they were no where to be found. Gina and Jon had split, he drove home with her in a cab and they crashed in her room. Kris Versteeg got carried out the back and sent home, and Duncan left way early. Pat and I finally decided to leave when the bar became clear. We took a cab back to my apartment, this time things got a little feisty.
When Pat and I had made it up to my room, I shut the door behind me while kissing him. I then found myself pressed between the wall and his body. I tore his shirt off, I felt his abs against the palms of my hands. He lifted me up and laid me on the bed, he pulled off my shirt and then my sheer black bra..

chapter three; badass softy // airplanes.

i ain't ever met a man like that
i ain't ever fell so far, so fast
you can turn me on, throw me off track
boy you do it, do it, you do it, your doin it well.


*Stephanie POV*
It was Saturday, the day of the game. I was excited for my friends to officially meet Pat. Him and I weren't official yet, but I wanted it to be... soon. We got ready then headed to the arena at 5 for the game at 8. It was really early to go, but I wanted to see him before the game.
Once we go to the arena Kaner met us at the door so we could go back to the dressing rooms. Ally and Gina were stoked, as was I but I had more focus on Pat. We made our way into the dressing room. Everyone stopped, thank god they were somewhat dressed.
"Guys this is my friend Stephanie and her friends Gina and Ally." Pat introduced us to the team.
"Daaaayum, lil'Peekaboo gots himself a lady" Steeger yelled from the side.
"She isn't my girlfriend Steeger.." Kane tilted his head down.
"Well then" Steeger moved himself over in front of me, "I'm Kris, nice to meet you" he said kissing my hand.
"Whoa there buddy, doesn't mean she's available" Kaner said taking a tight grip on my hand and pushing Kris away.
"Just being a little play full Kaner, take the knot out of your tampon buddy." He said leaving.
"Let's go, I've got something to show you" Pat said turning to me, "Here, these let you go any where around the arena, there's some pretty interesting things where only the players get to be." He handed Ally and Gina to VIP passes and they went and got to explore the arena "backstage".
Pat took me out to the roof of the United Center.
"Are you sure we are allowed up here?" I asked.
"No, but I sneak up here before each game."
"Bad ass" I joked.
He pulled me towards him. We leaned against the sides..
"Look," He said, pointing with one hand, I felt his grip of the other hand on my waist, pull me in towards him.
"It's beautiful" We were looking out at the skyline of the Chicago at sunset, it was the most beautiful thing ever.
"It's pretty isn't it? Don't mention this to the guys, they don't know I'm a bit of a softy." He laughed. I felt him pull me in even closer..
"I like that about you though. You come off as someone who doesn't care about anyone but his team and hockey, then you couldn't be a more sweeter guy off the ice."
"And you couldn't be a more beautiful girl, I've never met anyone like you.." He replied. This time we got really close, am I mean close. I felt his lip pressed together with mine. I felt as though I was on a cloud, without gravity, it was magic. I pulled back from him..
"Whoa" I said.
"What? Was that a wrong move?"
"No no, not at all, I just.."
I pulled him in this time. I didn't want this moment to stop, we kissed for about 30 more seconds, then we had to go. As we were walking downstairs I wrapped my fingers with his, perfect fit..
"So, does this mean?" He began.
"That I'm your girlfriend and Steeger definitely can't have me? Yes" I laughed.
"Great and good, he gets himself into too much trouble."
"I can already tell that about him and I barely know him"
We made our way back to the locker room. Ally and Gina were standing outside the door talking with Jonathan Toews. I met Ally's eyes, Gina was locked in a conversation with Jon, she made a little face a me then pulled out her phone to text... me. "Official Official Official?!" -- I responded -- "Deets when the game begins but.. yes! :)"
It was 730 now. We were in our seats and had just watching the boys warm-up. I gave the deets about Pat and I to Gina and Ally. Ally then began having a flirting fest and Gina was transfixed on Jon. At the end of warm-up Seabrook flipped a puck over to Ally, and she caught it but if she hadn't whoever else did would have been killed.
We cheered the boys on at the game. Kaner got a hat trick and 5 assists, along with Seabrook and Versteeger with a goal each.
"You should hang out with Kaner after the game," Ally suggested.
"But your leaving tomorrow morning and I wanna make sure I say goodbye"
"Don't worry, I will make sure somehow that you can say goodbye. Kaner really does like you, I can see the way he looks at you."
"Well, if he wants to hang out then I will, but we can see hows that plans out when we go to the locker rooms and I really like him to, I couldn't ask for a better guy." I smiled.
"Trust me.. he will ask you" Ally smirked.
After the arena cleared we found our way down to the locker rooms. Some of the team had already left but we met up with Tazer and Sharpie while waiting for Kaner. Gina helped Tazer out to the car, I'd get that info later. Ally and Sharpie were having a debate, god only knows about what. Then Kaner, he walked out of the locker rooms, dropped his bags and gave me a big hug. I could feel his strong muscles take a hold of me. I didn't want to let go.
"You wanna come over for the night, my last night in town?" Dammit Ally, right again.
"Sure, I'll just use a t-shirt for bed?"
"If I let you" He winked, sneaky bastard.
"Ohhh, I see how it is" I laughed.
Before we left I gave Ally a hug, then met Gina in the parking lot at Jonny's car (pretty close to each other) I interrupted being the bestest friend I am and gave Gina a hug goodbye too. After Pat drove us to the movies store, we rented the movie "Obsessed" a romantic horror flick. As soon as we got home, we threw on some comfy clothes. I borrowed one of Pat's Bauer shirts and a pair of Reebok shorts, he was in a Blackhawks sweater and sweats and still had a little touch of "hockey stench" to him, even after a shower, but I liked it. We put in the movie, I layed my head on Pat's lap as his arm rested on my shoulder. Before I knew it I was asleep. I felt him move and I was in his arms, the movie had ended and he was carrying me into bed.
"Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry" I whispered.
"It's okay, but why are you whispering?" He joked.
He layed me down on the bed and I curled up into the sheets. Pat took off his sweater, I turned and looked, but took another second peek.. Wow, just saying he's got a body, not the beer belly I thought it would be. I crawled into and wrapped his arms around me, I reached over to kiss him goodnight and before we knew we were asleep in each others arms.
That morning Pat was cooking again, pancakes. Yum. We ate quickly because we were meeting Gina and Ally at the airport, conveniently they departed from the same airport. We finished breakfast and got dressed. I put my jeans on I wore last night and Pat gave me a sweater to wear and keep till he came back from Vancouver.
We got to the airport and seen Gina and Ally, Kaner had to leave immediately so before I said goodbye to Ally, I went with Kaner to say goodbye. He pulled me in close to him and wrapped his arms around me.
"Score for me" I said, pulling back and kissing him. He responded with more kisses.
"We get it guys you really like each other, but get a room!" Keith yelled jokingly.
"Don't be jealous Dunc" Kaner responded. He continued kissing me until he actually had to run to get on the plane.
"I call when I get there, promise. I love you"
"Ok, I love you to!"
I walked back to where I left Ally and Gina.
"Ooo lala, what happened last night?" Gina asked.
"Well we rented the movie Obsessed, then I fell asleep on him, he carried me to bed, then cooked pancakes. I don't know why the guys won't admit he's a good cook" I laughed.
"He. Carried. You. To. Bed." Ally said, "I want a boyfriend like that" she pleaded.
"I think Seabs has got the hots for ya.."
"Meh, I don't think he is my type."
"We'll just have to see about that"
At that we said goodbye to Ally, she was leaving for Vancouver to, to visit her family. Gina was up to something with her and Brent, I could see it in her eyes while we talked on the way home. Her and Jonny hit is off pretty well to, he was calling when he got to Vancouver.