
chapter eleven; we will make it work.

*Ally's POV*
It's been a month since the Vegas trip. Steph was always gone with Kaner, I loved them being together, they were just perfect. Gina and Jonny had their own routine too, they were stronger then ever. As for Brent and I, well I couldn't be more happy with him. He has something special about him that drew me in and I couldn't resist.
I walked downstairs to greet everyone, Christina, Gabby, Gina and Steph. Christina and Gabby had been rooming in the spare room for a while this summer.
"Steph's home? Shocker!" I laughed.
"Shush" Steph responded.
"You ain't got nothing to come back with"
"I know" She sighed.
"How are you doing Ally?" Gabby asked, "You kinda look a little out of it today."
"Uhm, I'm alright.." I looked down at my hands.
"That's a lie" Christina cut in.
"I know, " I was still looking at my hands, "I'm just a little worried."
"About what?" Gina asked.
"I'm late, I haven't gotten my period for a week." Their faces dropped.
"Shouldn't you take a test or something?" Steph said.
"I bought one.. I'm just afraid to find out."
"Ally, you have to take it. You have to find out." Gina said.
"I know, " I sighed and walked up to the bathroom. I had three tests just to make sure. The first one, negative. That took a weight off my shoulders. The second and third one were positive. The weight was back on my shoulders. I walked downstairs, tears in my eyes. I looked up at the four girls. "I'm pregnant." The tears were heavier now, They all got up and gave me a group hug. "Ally, it'll be okay. Everything has to be okay" Gina exclaimed. "I have to call Brent" I said, and left to my room.
I sat on my bed staring at my phone. I had to tell him, I was having his child, he needed to know, I couldn't keep this from him. I let some more tears out and finally dialed his number. I asked if I could come over to his house since everyone was here. He agreed and I left for his house, I had taken a break fro crying but I still felt it in me. I arrived at Brent's and he greeted me at the door.
"Babe, what's wrong." He asked.
"Can we sit down.." Brent took my hand and we went into his living room.
"What's up?"
"Uhm, I don't know how you are going to take this but.." I paused and looked at my hands.
"But what," He had the worried look on his face.
"I'm pregnant."
"Uhm," Brent was at loss for words.
"I'll just go,"
"Ally stay!"
"I can't, uhm just call me when you wanna talk" And with that I left.
*Brent's POV*
She just left. Just like that and she was having my child. This can't be happening. Neither of us were ready for this. I had a game later tonight, Ally was suppose to come, but now I don't know if she would.
I left for the arena early, Jonny was always there and he would always know what to say. When I got there, I sat a my locker, my eye were bloodshot but I sat with my head in my hands.
"Brent?" I looked up and it was Jonny and Kaner. Fuck Kaner was here, he would just make jokes.
"Dude what the hell happened to you" Kaner asked.
"No fuck you Pat"
"I'm kidding man!"
"Well what is it?" Jonny cut in.
"She's pregnant" They didn't say anything.
"I don't know what to do. I love her, but this is too much." I continued, Jonny sat down beside me. The girls started to arrive and Kaner went out to see Steph.
"You have to support her, if you love her you have to be with her every step of the way. Maybe move in together? Have you talked to her?" Jonny said.
"I know, and I will. I love her with everything I have. And you're right that might be a good idea, but I haven't talked to her since earlier today."
"Well let's go out and see if she is here." Jon suggested. We walked out and Steph was standing with Pat, Christina and Gabby were laughing off to the side and Gina came over to hug Jonny, there was no sign of Ally. I had to focus, and I tried my best but I couldn't, I wasn't going to have a good game. And with that I didn't have a good game, we lost 5-3. Nothing was going right. I decided to shower and then head over to Ally's. I needed to talk things through with her. As I got to her apartment, Steph and Pat were just leaving together, not a surprise. I walked myself in, I was in a rush to talk to Ally.
I seen Gina first, "Is Ally here?" I asked.
"Brent you look awful, and yeah she's in her room." I walked up stairs and knocked on her door.
"Come in." She said. I walked through the door and she looked up. She ran into my arms and I took her into a big hug.
"We need to talk." I said and we walked over to her bed.
"Look, I know we both aren't ready for this, but it's happening. I love you with my life and I want to be with you and I know we can get through this." I told her.
"That's really good to hear, because I'm really scared for all this. And you know I love you too and I do believe we can work this out."
"I have a suggestion"
"I think we should move in together. I have a spare room in my condo and we could change it into the babies rooms. I know you'll be alone a lot with the schedule, but everyone lives just down the street and you know I don't mind if they come over"
"I'd like that Brent, it'd make me feel more like a family."
With that I kissed her, I gripped my hands around her waist and I felt her tears drop on to my arms. I knew she was scared but this was going to work, I would do anything to make it great.