
chapter nine; it's all like a dream.

*Stephanie's POV*
After a week of partying, I invited Pat up to my parents place in Oakville. They were having the yearly beach bash/family reunion, the whole town pretty much showed up for this and of course our family. My mom new about Pat and I but we never got the chance to go up and visit so this was the first time Pat was meeting my parents. I was excited but he was nervous.
"Pat, they're gunna love you" I touched the side of his face with my hand and his eyes pulled mine into his.
"I really hope they do, I want to make a good impression"
"Just be yourself, the Pat that I know and love. That's why I love you"
"I love you to, Steph" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a kiss.
We grabbed our things and brought them downstairs. Ally and Brent were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee, it was 9 in the morning and Pat and I had to leave for our flight to Toronto. Ally ran over and hugged me, while Brent teased Pat and made him a little more nervous.
"Thanks Brent" I laughed.
"My pleasure" He winked.
"Waaaaaiit!" Gina yelled, running down the stairs. She jumped on me and gave me a big hug, "Have fun, behave and don't get into trouble. Text me if those bitches show up and I'll be on the next flight for some ass kicking with Ally."
I laughed, "I'll be sure to notify you two"
"Good, now go go go" Gina, Ally and I went into a group hug and then Pat and I left. I grabbed his hand as we walked out the door. I knew my parents would love him.
The flight was long, Pat was fast asleep and I stayed up to see the view. It was cloudy with a little bit of sun. I soon drifted off and before I knew it, I was in my mom's arms giving her a hug.
I let go of her and held my hand out to Pat, "Pat this is my Mom, Lisa, step dad Joe, you'll meet my brothers are home."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs and Mr Pratt." He held out his hand to my mom and Joe to shake their hand.
"Oh," My mom chuckled, "Call me Lisa, please your making me feel old." Me and Joe looked at each other and laughed.
"You are old mommy" I smiled.
"Love you to Steph" She laughed. We all gathered into the car and drove out to the house. We had a house here and in Cobourg, but I loved coming here in the summer, with the pool how and it being right on the beach. It was the perfect spot for romance. We got to the house and I took Kaner out to the pool house which used to be my bedroom until I moved to chicago, but my parents changed it back when I came home. They were the best. We dropped our stuff in the pool house and I took Pat out to the beach, the party was already starting and I couldn't wait to see everyone. Except for one person, the first one I ran into.. My ex.
"Hey Steph!" Nick started to pull his arms to a hug, but then noticed Pat behind me and took them down.
"Hi.. Nick" I mumbled, "Nick, this is Pat--"
"I know who he is," He cut me off "Nice to meet you man" He clearly didn't clue in that I was dating him.
"Uh, yeah you to" Pat said. We started to walk but Nick followed, I grabbed Pat's hand, Nick was oblivious. Idiot. We grab a Bug Light and took a seat around the big bonfire. Everyone from high school was here. I couldn't believe it, all my old friends came over to say hi and I introduced them all to Pat. Nick was sitting on the other side of me.
"Where's Lindsay?" I asked Nick.
"Uh yeah we broke up last month."
"Oh, sorry"
"I was going to call you, but your number was changed"
"Mhm, sorry. States numbers are different."
"Yeah. Uh, so can you come talk with me?" He asked.
"Why? What about?"
"Us.." He said as his head tilted down. Pat was now giving him the death glare.
"Nick.. I'm in a relationship."
"Wow dude! Are you retarded!" Pat yelled.
"Oh, shit. You."
"Yeah," Pat snapped.
"I can still win her back.." Nick protested.
"Oh really, " Pat said standing up.
"Pat don't" I yelled. He didn't listen. He was very protective.
"Let's go, " Nick answered. Nick threw the first punch and missed. Pat answered to his and nailed him in the face. Nick was laying on the sand, bloody nose. I grabbed Pat and looked at his hand. It was scratched. I took him back to the pool house and cleaned up his hand, after I sat down on the bed with him.
"I'm sorry abo--"
"He deserved it" I said, cutting Pat off.
"Yeah he did" He smiled.
"Not just cause he's an idiot.."
"What else?"
"He cheated on me in high school, Lindsay was the girl he cheated with. I went over to see him and she was there, Grade 10 was the worst year ever."
"I'm sorry.."
"Don't be, he was worth any of my time" I smiled.
Pat put him arms around me, his muscles tightened and I leaned my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead "You're everything to me" He said. I looked up and kissed him. I got that feeling again in my stomach. I wanted to be with him, forever. He made me so happy, I couldn't ask for anything better. He took me and layed me on to the bed. He was on top of me and we both kicked off our shoes. His fingers ran threw my hair as I took off his shirt. Seconds later we were under the covers, everything threw onto the floor. "I love you" He whispered, and I answered it back. It was going to be a good night.
The next morning I woke up, not hungover thank god since we had a rough week before from partying. I jumped into the shower after Pat had his and got dressed. I pulled on some ripped jean shorts, a plain white tank and my favourtie wedge flip flops. I added some jewelery to my outfit and let my hair air dry in a wave. Pat was in beige shorts with a navy blue polo and flip flops. Dayum.
We got into my car that I leave here at my parents and drove down to the 'Sunnyside Grill' dowtown. I ordered my favourite cheese omlete with toast and Pat had a bacon sandwich with toast. We talked and talked over breakfast, everything just cam natural to us. After breakfast we went back and changed into bathing suits for the beach. I was wearing my favourite 'Corona' bikini, it was green and white.
"What?" I asked as I walked out of the washroom.
Pat's face had a little smirk on it, "You're beautiful"
I blushed "Well your not to bad yourself, Mr Kane"
"I know right?" He winked. We headed down to the beach for the day, soaking up the sun and going for a quick swim. The water was clear, and the day couldn't get more perfect. Around 5, we went back for dinner. Then after Pat wanted to go down to the boardwalk. I pulled on a navy blue cami and some ripped jeans since it was getting a little bit cooler out. Pat threw on a Hollister sweater, I wrapped my arms around him and took in the heat of his body and the smell of his cologne.
"This is so beautiful, isn't it?" I claimed looking out to the skyline over the water, the sun was setting and the sky was a perfect pinky orange. I turned to Pat, but I had to look down... He was on one knee.
"Stephanie Michelle Pratt, "He begun taking a hold of my hand and I felt tears form in my eyes, "I've fallen in love with you. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. We can talk about anything and everything, we can hang out in sweats and just bum around and laugh about nothing. I want to be with you forever..." He paused, then started again, "Will you marry me?"
"YES! yes yes yes! I will" Pat slipped the ring on my finger. It was beautiful, It had a big diamond in the middle, surrounded with 4 littles ones on each side. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and just kissed him, it felt like forever. We stayed on the beach for a while, until we fell asleep on the blanket we had with us, I curled up into his body and we slept on the beach. It was all like a dream.

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